* Underline indicates first author publication

19. Lee, H., Bushe, D., Peters, N., Verburg, J. M., Winey, B., Paganetti, H., Sharp, G., "A generic CBCT scatter correction method independent of the scanning protocol," (under preparation)

18. Bobić, M., Choulilitsa, E., Lee, H., Czerska K., Christensen, J. B., Mayor, A., Safai, S., Winey, B. A.,Weber, D. C., Lomax, A. J., Paganetti H., Nesteruk, K. P., Albertini, F., "Multi-institutional experimental validation of online adaptive proton therapy workflows," Physics in Medicine and Biology (in press)

17. Meyer, I., Peters, N., Tamborino, G., Lee, H., Bertolet, A., Faddegon, B. A., Mille, M. M., Lee, C., Schuemann, J., Paganetti, H. "A framework for in-field and out-of-field patient specific secondary cancer risk estimates from treatment plans using the TOPAS Monte Carlo system," Physics in Medicine and Biology (in press)

16. Bobić, M., Christensen, J. B., Lee, H., Choulilitsa, E., Czerska, K., Togno, M., Safai, S., Yukihara, E. G., Winey, B., Lomax, A. J., Paganetti, H., Albertini, F., Nesteruk, K. P., “Optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters for simultaneous measurement of point dose and dose-weighted LET in an adaptive proton therapy workflow,” Frontiers in Oncology, 13 (2023)

15. Bobić, M, Lalonde, A., Nesteruk, K., Lee, H., Neonoff, L., Borissen, B., Bertolet, A., Busse, P., Chan, A., Winey, B., Sharp, G., Verburg, J., Lomax, A., Paganetti, H., “Large anatomical changes in head-and-neck cancers – a dosimetric comparison of online and offline adaptive proton therapy,” Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 40, 100625 (2023)

14. Lee, H., Cheon, B.-W., Feld, J., Grogg, K., Perl, J., Faddegon, B., Min, C. H., Paganetti, H., Schuemann, J., “TOPAS-imaging: An extension to the TOPAS simulation toolkit for medical imaging systems,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68(8), 084001 (2023)

13. Kim, H., Lee, H., Lee, S., Choi, Y.-w., Choi, Y. J., Kim, K. H., Seo, W., Shin C. W., Cho S., “A feasibility study on deep-neural-network-based dose-neutral dual-energy digital breast tomosynthesis,” Medical Physics, 50(2), 791-807 (2022) (Kim, H., and Lee, H. contributed equally as co-first authors)

12. Babier, A., Mahmood, R., Zhang, B., Alves, V. G. L., Barragán-Montero, A. M., Beaudry, J., Cardenas, C. E., Chang , Y., Chen, Z., Chun, J., Diaz, K., Eraso, H. D., Faustmann, E., Gaj, S., Gay, S., Gronberg, M., Guo, B., He, J., Heilemann, G., Hira, S., Huang, Y., Ji, F., Jiang, D., Giraldo, J. C. J., Lee, H., Lian, J., Liu, S., Liu, K.-C., Marrugo, J., Miki, K., Nakamura, K., Netherton, T., Nguyen, D., Nourzadeh, H., Osman, A. F., Peng, Z., Muñoz, J. D. Q., Ramsl, C., Rhee, D. J., Rodriguez, J. D., Shan, H., Siebers, J. V., Soomro, M. H., Sun, K., Hoyos, A. U., Valderrama, C., Verbeek, R., Wang, E., Willems, S., Wu, Q., Xu, X., Yang, S., Yuan, L., Zhu, S., Zimmermann, L., Moore, K. L., Purdie, T. G., McNiven, A. L., and Chan, T. C. Y. “OpenKBP-Opt: an international and reproducible evaluation of 76 knowledge-based planning pipelines,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67(18), 185012 (2022)

11. Lee, H., Shin, J., Verbug, J., Bobić, M., Winey, B., Schuemann, J., Paganetti, H., “MOQUI: An open-source GPU-based Monte Carlo code for proton dose calculation with efficient data structure,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67(17) (2022)

10. Lee, S., Kim, H., Lee, H., and Cho, S., “Deep-learning-based breast thickness and shape estimation for breast imaging applications,” Medical Physics, 49(6), 3670-3682 (2022)

9. Yun, S., Kim, Y., Kim, H., Lee, S., Jeong, U., Lee, H., Choi, Y.-w., Cho, S., “Three-compartment-breast (3CB) prior-guided diffuse optical tomography based on dual-energy digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT),” Biomedical Optics Express, 12(8), 4837-4851 (2022)

8. Lee, M., Cho, M.-s., Lee, H., Jeong, C., Kwak, J., Jung, J., Kim, S. S., Yoon, S. M., Song, S. Y., Lee, S.-w., Kim, J. H., Choi, E. K., Cho, S., and Cho, B., “Geometric and dosimetric verification of a recurrent neural network algorithm to compensate for respiratory motion using an articulated robotic couch,” Journal of Korean Physical Society, 78(1), 64-72. (2021) (Lee, M, Cho, M.-s., and Lee, H. contributed equally as co-first authors)

7. Lee, H., Cheong, K. H., Jung, J. W., Cho, B., Cho, S., and Yeo, I., “On-beam computed tomography reconstruction for radiotherapy verification from projection image differences caused by motion during treatment,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65(5), 055001. (2020)

6. Lee, H., Kim, H., Kwak, J., Kim, Y. S., Lee, S.-w., Cho, S., and Cho, B., “Fluence-map generation for prostate intensity-modulated radiotherapy planning using a deep-neural-network,” Scientific Reports, 9(1) (2019)

5. Lee, H., Lee, J., Kim, H., Cho, B., and Cho, S., “Deep-Neural-Network-Based Sinogram Synthesis for Sparse-View CT Image Reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 3(2), 109-119 (2019)

4. Son, K., Chang, J., Lee, H., Kim, C., Lee, T., Cho, S., Park, S., and Kim, J., “Optimal dose reduction algorithm using an attenuation-based tube current modulation method for cone-beam CT imaging,” Plos One, 13(2), e0192933 (2018)

3. Lee, H., Min, J., Lee, T., Pua, R., Sabir, S., Yoon, K.-h. Kim, H., and Cho, S., “Investigation on Beam-Blocker-Based Scatter Correction Method for Improving CT Number Accuracy,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 64(3), 908-914 (2017)

2. Lee, M., Cho, M.-s., Lee, H., Cheong, H., Cho, B., “Simulation and Experimental Studies of Real-Time Motion Compensation Using an Articulated Robotic Manipulator System,” Progress in Medical Physics, 28(4), 171-180 (2017)

1. Son K., Kim, J., Lee, H. and Cho, S., “Imaging dose of human organs from kv-cbct in image-guided radiation therapy,” Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 175(2), 194-200 (2017)


Peer-reviewed journal publication